Meet the best content creators from Europe from your office chair
Digital Sphere is an online speed networking event where travel content creators and influencers can connect with travel industry partners like DMO's, tour operators and travel brands to discuss potential cooperations.
We hand-pick 100 content creators / influencers so you don't have to. They are some of the best from Belgium, The Netherlands, The UK, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy and central Europe.
It's a balanced mix of professional bloggers, vloggers, Facebookers, Instagrammers and TikTokkers with quality reach in their respective language/market.
Travel influencers / creators.
The travel influencers and creators we select have years of experience, win awards, are professional and have quality content and reach.
Content creator / influencer application
Are you a content creator and would you like to be considered for future events then send us an email at and we'll take it from there.
Featured creators for October 24
What creators say
'"I found the event very helpful. I've been a full-time travel influencer since 2015 and online events like this make my life so much easier, especially because I can attend regardless of where in the world I am! The whole process was very efficient, the tech worked without any glitches and I got to meet potential brand partners I would not have otherwise connected with. I'm already looking forward to the next one!"'
Sabina Trojanova (Girl vs Globe)
'Love being part of this'
Margarita Samsonova (Behind the Greens)
"Klasse Networking !
Ich habe nun bereits mehrfach an der digitalen Networking Veranstaltung Digital Sphere teilgenommen und bin von dem Erfolg wirklich begeistert. Nicht nur, dass ich nette Menschen aus interessanten Orten kennengelernt habe. Es haben sich auch wirklich konkrete Kooperationen ergeben.
Wir haben gemeinsam mit den 3 verschiedenen Destinationen individuelle Pressereisen erarbeitet und freuen uns schon sehr darauf, die Ergebnisse unserer Besuche unseren Lesern präsentieren zu können.
Für uns ein voller Erfolg! Danke! "
Susanne (Von Ort zu Ort reisen)
Cooperations with
Leipzig - April 2024
Innsbruck - September 2024
Mechelen - September 2024
Featured Destinations for October 24
What industry says
'My colleagues and I were very happy about the connections we made and are looking forward to the next edition'
Colette Vera (Innsbruck Marketing)
"We found the pre-registration process incredibly convenient. It was fantastic to be able to manage our appointments online. What was also great was having an excellent overview of all participants and being able to see exactly what they could offer us."
Radna Trap (Texel Marketing)
'I liked the system and everything went really well'
Jessica Schmidt (Hamburg Marketing)
"The Digital Sphere online networking event offers a great opportunity to meet many European professional travel influencers and creators. I made very interesting connections, and the influencers conducted excellent research on site. It definitely helps me in my daily work with influencer marketing and keeping the cost for the search in a reasonable limit."
Alexandra Sasse (Innsbruck Marketing)
What's in it for you?
Hand-picked creators/influencers with quality content & reach.
Balanced selection of Bloggers, YouTubers, Instagrammers & TikTokkers.
Save time. No need to travel anywhere.
Save costs. No travel or accomodation costs.
Connect on the go. Creators travel so like this they can network from anywhere.
Network from your office chair on a specialized network platform.
Sustainable since there's no need to travel.
Digital Sphere online process
Buy your ticket on Eventbrite.
You'll receive your registration link via email.
Create your profile on 'Conversation Starter'. Conversation Starter is the online networking platform we use to facilitate online videocalls.
Send out meeting requests to people you'd like to talk to.
When the meeting is confirmed you're all set.
The system will automatically generate your meeting schedule.
On the day of the event you tune in to Conversation Starter at 2pm.
Time per meeting: 12 min
Meeting slots per participant: 10
Duration of entire networking session: 2,5 hours
The system will guide you automatically from meeting to meeting. Easy peasy.
Ticket sales
Wave 1 - € 250* (until 30/08)
Wave 2 - € 350* (31/08 to 27/09)
Wave 3 - € 450* (28/09 to 10/10)
*The ticket price is excl. vat. When you are part of the EU you pay the price without vat. Eventbrite will deduct vat when you go through the buying process and you'll immediately receive your invoice. Easy peasy.
Past creator participants
🎬 160k/m | ❤️ 300k
✍️ 80k/m | ❤️ 250k
✍️ 400k/m | ❤️ 15k
❤️ 85k
✍️ 150k/m | ❤️ 104k
✍️ 100k/m | ❤️ 30k
✍️ 260k/m | ❤️ 11k
❤️ 58k
✍️ 25k/m | ❤️ 43k
✍️ 70k | ❤️ 46k
✍️ 150k/m
✍️ 80k/m
✍️ 70k/m | ❤️ 50k
✍️ 60k/m
✍️ 20k | ❤️ 95k
❤️ 90k
✍️ 100k/m | ❤️ 230k
✍️ 130k/m
✍️ 250k/m | ❤️ 100k
❤️ 150k
✍️ 300k/m | ❤️ 150k
❤️ 460k
❤️ 75k
✍️ 120k | ❤️ 1,1M
✍️ 250k/m | ❤️ 28k
❤️ 500k
✍️ 250k | ❤️ 123k
✍️ 20k/m | ❤️ 75k
✍️ 100k/m | ❤️ 35k
✍️ 70k | ❤️ 30k
❤️ 105k
✍️ 35k | ❤️ 73k
❤️ 93k
✍️ 50k/m | ❤️ 90k
🎬 11k/m | ✍️ 10k/m
❤️ 190k
❤️ 1M
✍️ 60k/m | ❤️ 77k
❤️ 48k
✍️ 10k/m | ❤️ 50k
✍️ 45k/m | ❤️ 27k
✍️ 100k | ❤️ 60k
✍️ 200k/m | ❤️ 15k
❤️ 505k
❤️ 25k
✍️ 8k/m | ❤️ 137k
❤️ 2,7M
✍️ 200k/m | ❤️ 111k
✍️ 20k/m | ❤️ 325k
✍️ 20k/m | ❤️ 39k
❤️ 43k
❤️ 419k
✍️ 85k/m
✍️ 10k/m | ❤️ 34k
❤️ 10k
Past industry participants
Travel Bloggers can boost their passive income with AI.
Stay22 decided to partner with us since they are looking for travel bloggers to collaborate with. They offer a beautiful artificial intelligence solution to boost the passive income of travel bloggers.
Curious on how that works?
Have a look here for more information.
Partner - Travel Massive
For this edition we are proud to announce that we are partnering with Travel Massive, a global travel industry networking platform. They are promoting this event to 10.000 travel industry professionals in Europe.
'For over a decade, the Travel Massive community has connected thousands of tourism professionals, travel media, influencers and startups from around the world to meet, connect and share ideas — to help shape the future of travel.
We've welcomed over 75,000 attendees to more than 2,200 events in over 100 cities to share new ideas in travel — including NYC, London, Toronto, Dublin, Cape Town, Bangkok and Brisbane.
With Destination Digital we are running the Berlin chapter and attempt to bring the Berlin travel industry closer. Do join our group if you work in travel in Berlin. You're very welcome.
Wanna learn more about Travel Massive? Definitely check out their website. ;-)